Terms of Use
1.1. Internet resources administration (The Administration of the Internet resource) is the RUBETEK RUS LLC, including staff members, authorized to act on behalf of RUBETEK RUS LLC when managing Internet resources.
1.2. Internet resource user (the User) is an individual who wishes to access and (or) has access to Internet resources, via the Internet, a personal data subject.
1.3. The App is an official mobile application available for download in the AppStore and Google Play.
1.4. Registration on the site is the User's actions aimed at creating a personal account on the web resource.
1.5. Personal Data means any information relating directly or indirectly to a specified or determined individual (personal data subject) in accordance with the Personal Data Law.
1.6. Agreement is this user agreement with all appendices, additions and changes.
1.7. Policy means the Privacy Policy set out in Appendix 1 hereto and being an integral part thereof. The current revision is on the page at https://rubetek.com/privacy-policy/.
General provisions
2.1. RUBETEK RUS LLC provides the Internet User with the opportunity to use its services on the terms and conditions set forth in this User Agreement. The Agreement shall come into force upon the User's consent to its terms and conditions in accordance with the procedure provided for in clause 2.3 of the Agreement. All currently existing services, as well as any development and/or addition of new services, are subject to this Agreement.
2.2. The use of the services of RUBETEK RUS LLC is governed by this Agreement, the Privacy Policy set forth in Appendix 1 hereto and being an integral part thereof, posted on the website: rubetek.com. The Agreement may be amended by the Company without any special notice, the new version of the Agreement shall come into force from the moment of its posting on the Internet at the address specified in this paragraph, unless otherwise provided for by the new version of the Agreement. The current edition is on the page at https://rubetek.com/usloviya-ispolzovaniya/.
2.3. Starting to use any Internet resource or its individual functions, or having passed the registration procedure, the User is considered to have accepted the terms of the Agreement in full, without any reservations and exceptions. If the User disagrees with any of the provisions of the Agreement, the User shall not be entitled to use the services of RUBETEK RUS LLC. If the Company has made any changes to the Agreement in accordance with the procedure provided for in clause 2.2 of the Agreement, with which the User does not agree, the User cease to use the services of RUBETEK RUS LLC.
2.4. By entering into this Agreement, the User freely, by his will and in his own interests, agrees to the processing by the Administration of his personal data provided during registration (surname, name, contact details of the e-mail address, as well as other data related to the user's identity and became available to the Administration in connection with the user's registration on the Site or in the Appendix). The processing of the user's personal data is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation by mixed processing of the user's personal data (automated and automated methods), with the transfer of such data over the internal network of the Administration and the Internet.
2.5. The processing of the user's personal data includes the performance of any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) using automation means or without the use of such means with personal data, including the collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction, transmission (distribution, provision, access) of personal data, including processing by the above methods.
Terms of Use under the Agreement
3.1. The use of the functionality of the Application is allowed only after the User has completed registration and authorization on the iot.rubetek.com Website or within the Application, giving Consents to data processing in accordance with the procedure established by the Company, regulated in Section 2 of this Agreement.
3.2. Technical, organizational and commercial conditions for the use of Internet resources, including functionality, shall be communicated to Users by separate posting on the rubetek.com Website or in the Appendix.
Rights and obligations of the parties
4.1. The Administration of Internet resources takes all necessary measures to protect the user's personal data from illegal access, modification, disclosure or destruction. The Administration provides access to the user's personal data only to those staff members who need this information to ensure the functioning of Internet resources.
4.2. The Administration of the Internet resource has the right to restrict the User's access to the Site, the Application in case of violation by the User of the terms of this Agreement and its appendices that are an integral part thereof.
4.3. Administration of the Site and the Application has the right unilaterally, without notifying the User, to cancel the User's account if it has not been used for more than 3 (three) calendar months in a row.
4.4. The User has the right to access the use of the Site and the Application and use the Site and the Application for the purposes and in a manner not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.5. The User undertakes to provide at the request of the Site Administration and the Applications, additional information that is directly related to the services provided by this Site and the Application.
4.6. The User shall independently be responsible to third parties for his actions related to the use of Internet resources, including if such actions lead to violation of rights and legitimate interests of third parties, as well as for compliance with the law when using the Site and the Application.
4.7. The User is prohibited from:
4.7.1 unauthorized collection and storage of personal data of other persons;
4.7.2 disrupt the normal operation of Internet resources.
Use of the Site and the Applications
5.1 The Site, the Application and their content are owned and managed by the Site and the Application Administration.
5.2 The content of the Site, the Application cannot be copied, published, reproduced, transmitted or distributed in any way, and also posted on the global Internet without the written consent of the Site and the Application Administration.
5.3 Content of the Site, the Application are protected by copyright, trademark law, as well as other rights related to intellectual property and unfair competition law.
5.4 The User is personally responsible for the preservation of confidential account information, including the password, as well as all activities that are carried out on behalf of the account user without exception.
5.5 The User shall immediately notify the Site and the Application Administration about unauthorized use of the User account or password, or any other violation of the security system.
Responsibility of the parties
6.1 The Site and the Application Administration and the User shall be liable for violation of obligations under this Agreement, including appendices that are an integral part thereof, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
6.2 The Site and the Application Administration are not responsible for:
6.2.1 Delays or failures in the course of the transaction caused by force majeure, as well as any case of malfunction to telecommunication computer electrical and other related systems.
6.2.2 Actions of transfer systems, payment system banks and for delays associated with their work.
6.2.3 Proper operation of the Site and the Application in case the User does not have the necessary technical means for its use, and also does not have any obligation to provide the Users with such means.
6.2.4 Content of information posted by the User on the Site or in the Application.
6.3 Reference (in any form) to any site, product, service, any commercial or non-commercial information posted on the Site or in the Application shall not constitute an approval or recommendation of these products (services, activities) by the Company, except as expressly indicated on the resources of RUBETEK RUS LLC.
6.4 The User shall be responsible for the interpretation and use of the content (information) posted on the Site or in the Application.
6.5 Any losses that the User may incur in the event of a deliberate or careless violation of any provision of this Agreement, as well as due to unauthorized access to the communications of another User, the Site and the Application Administration are not reimbursed.
Other conditions
7.1 This is the agreement between the User and RUBETEK RUS LLC regarding the use of services.
7.2 This Agreement, the procedure for its conclusion and execution, as well as issues not settled by this Agreement, are regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
7.3 This Agreement may be changed or terminated unilaterally by the Copyright Holder without prior notice to the User and without any compensation in connection therewith.
7.4 User Reviews posted on the Site, in the Appendix, are not confidential information and can be used by the Site Administration, Applications without restrictions.